By Sydney Lee
My loss of reign over bodies,
running soldier, an everyman’s feet
slips away into rigid night—
Ears, last awake of my drowning body,
tend to rhythms, to waves—
circular bandits—
Hands of faster revolution
than your fourteen moons.
Navy blue oceans return to me,
hush my sun.
Blind woman, you are a fool,
are thermal inertia of the sea—
refuse blinking your swelling eyes
of envy and chronic longing—
I long for my sun. Golden face,
Enormous warmth enough
to dry up my oceans,
make me rain over bodies—
Seep through every crevice,
embrace every residue, every dust
absorbed into the depths of earth—
breathe life into root, into fossil—
become able-bodied:
the loss of this body.
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