Who Are We?
InkBeat is an online creative arts magazine and an in-print journal that publishes creative work by young people aged 14-19 years. This age range is flexible though and we have been known to publish work from as young as 10 years and as old as 24! From our bilingual base in Beijing, China, we are seeking to foster a global community of young creatives communicating between cultures, languages and spaces.
We welcome art and creative writing, poetry and short stories, in any language and on any theme. However, we also have seasonal special themes that you can take part in and topic-based competitions. The very best of your work will also be put forward to the editorial team for the in-print editions of InkBeat
InkBeat is funded by and affiliated with Venture Education and, through this organisation, is available to provide schools with a creative writer or artist to run workshops for young people aged 10-19. We can also provide lesson plans for all of our themed publications to help teachers help their students to develop ideas and skills.
Email InkBeat for press/media inquiries and other collaborations.
The Team
Jennifer Fossenbell
Journal Founder
Jennifer Fossenbell co-founded InkBeat Arts in 2017 and served as managing editor of the first three issues of the journal (originally Beijing Youth Literary Review). She is an occasional editor of poetry in translation for Spittoon Literary Magazine. Her own poetry and reviews have appeared in print and web publications including Black Warrior Review, The Volta, Alluvium, So & So Poetry, and others. Her work has also been featured in international poetry festivals and exhibits in Hanoi, Ningbo, Beijing, and Jiuquan. She co-edited an international literary anthology, Strange Roots, and co-translated two poetry collections by Vietnamese poets: Wild Under the Sky by Hữu Thỉnh and The Human Field by Trần Quang Quý. Jennifer currently lives in Denver, USA, where she works as a web editor and content writer.
Yasmin Spencer
English Editor
Hi! I am delighted to be working as a part-time intern for InkBeat! I grew up mainly in China and I have a degree in Liberal Arts from Royal Holloway and love all things creative. My role at InkBeat involves reading and editing poetry and short stories and writing to competitors in our competitions. I look forward to reading your work!