By Tiffany Han
Melted was the glaze of ice,
As diamonds turned to mist,
they called it a sacrifice.
Read MoreBy Tiffany Han
Melted was the glaze of ice,
As diamonds turned to mist,
they called it a sacrifice.
Read MoreBy Sydney Lee
My thumb like an oyster—
flaps of pale skin swollen, turgid,
outgrows its ingrown shell.
Read MoreBy Sydney Lee
The cloud lingers by the lone tree
waiting for hours, for days, for me—
amongst residues of earth’s herbs: hebetude—
a lone tree.
Read MoreBy Sydney Lee
My loss of reign over bodies,
running soldier, an everyman’s feet
slips away into rigid night—
Read MoreBy Otts Li
Read MoreBy Lucia Cao
See the car savaging the boulevards,
Carrying weights and noises, laughter and heartbreaks
Of the dreamers dreaming about a foreign land with flowers and smoke
And love that never dies.
Read MoreBy Krista McJarrow Keller
He is magnificent in recline
The curves of his rounded stomach
glow softly in the blue light of the airplane monitor he left on.
The man spread of his knee holds up my tray table
Read MoreBy Krista McJarrow Keller
You’re the yolk, and the rest of us are swimming, wading in the white.
Translucent, but thick, forever bound in situ to you.
Take the negative square root of that and use it to fuel your anger the next time you look at me.
I’m sorry I didn’t call.
Read MoreBy Jiashan Li
Tom Buchanan gave me all I needed
for the basis in Maslow’s hierarchy:
food, drink, and plenty of money.
Read MoreBy Ally Huang
Under the sea doesn’t sound like under
the sea. There is no red lobster singing,
no seaweed dancing, no ukulele
strumming. But do schools of fish
create waves of sound as they bubble
Read MoreBy Ally Huang
the chocolate fondue is a little bitter tonight. i tell my mom
and she tells me she made it from seventy percent cocoa.
i want to complain, but the bitter taste lingers as i watch news
events from a couch in a house in a safe street in a nice
Read MoreBy Alina Y Liu
You take me between your lips and hold
me there, quivering, on the brink of splitting
down the seams. I blush orange, the color of
the sunset over the ocean, green as algae, kelp
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