This is Yunnan by Chloe Huang

Butter yellow corn fed by seasons of rain

When the sun sweeps across fertile land

and catches

the flash of a silver earring

This is Yunnan


This is Yunnan

There’s a hole in the roof

a wild blue yonder 

Unveiled, hollow

Like the mouth of a liquor bottle

Rice wine splashes at my ankles


Lie down on our rocklike beds

You’ll see the stars, as the heavens 



This is Yunnan

Walls balance precariously on mountain’s end

Like candles, it takes

only a baby’s breath of wind and the

Flicker of flame snuffs out, bricks collapse the way wax 


into a conglomeration of worthlessness


She fastens the lock, sunset

a runny egg yolk in her wake

Closing in on us, metal gates


The verdict of a single bolt

The forgotten children gathering dust


Caught in a net of resounding echoes

Calls of help are tossed 

around and around as

The sky rains crystalline tears


This is Yunnan

OutsideHelen Wing